Director: Cherissa Richards

Rehearsal Dates in Halifax: December 17, 2024 - January 17, 2025

Show Dates in Halifax: January 14 - February 2, 2025

Hiatus: February 3-9, 2025

Travel/Rehearsal: February 10-14, 2025

Show Dates in Ottawa: February 13-22, 2025


About the show:

Controlled Damage explores the life of Canadian civil rights icon Viola Desmond and how her act of bravery in a Nova Scotia movie theatre in 1946 started a ripple effect that is still felt today. An ordinary woman forced to be extraordinary by an unyielding and racist world, Desmond never gave up — despite the personal cost to her and those who loved her. Andrea Scott’s highly theatrical examination of Desmond and her legacy traces the impact she has had on our culture, but also casts light on the slow progress of the fight for social justice and civil rights in Canada. THE STORY Do you know the real story behind the face of Canada’s ten-dollar bill?

On November 8, 1946, Halifax business owner, Viola Desmond went to a movie at the Roseland Theatre in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Unaware that she was sold a lower-priced ticket for the balcony, where Black patrons were expected to sit, Viola took a seat on the main floor: the whites-only section. Although she offered to pay the one cent tax difference, Viola was dragged from the theatre, jailed, and charged. Her story would impact history forever. In Controlled Damage, award-winning playwright Andrea Scott illuminates the true story of Canadian Civil Rights icon, Viola Desmond – a woman who took a stand against racial discrimination, by taking a seat at a theatre.

Neptune Theatre with b current performing arts co-produced the premiere production of Andrea Scott’s award winning play in 2020. This is a new co-production with the National Arts Centre.


Character Breakdown:

VIOLA DESMOND - 32, petite, biracial fair-skinned black woman

She has the energy and focus of a dragonfly, but warm and easy to talk to. Plays an age range 20-50 years old. She’s a focused, disciplined woman with a ton of drive.


SIMON NIXON – 30, imperious administrator at Hammond Plains P.S., White

Viola’s overbearing white boss at her school. He follows the rules unless they apply to him; only age will give him perspective.

Also plays

Henry Macneil/Manager- Theatre manager (starts off amiable and then becomes more sinister by the end-spurred on by his bigoted mother) (slight vein of righteous anger),

Frederick William Bisset- Lawyer, took on Viola’s case, very kind and staunch belief in Viola,

Magistrate Roderick Macay- Judge presiding over Viola’s case who reads out her

verdict on a video.

Radio announcer (White)

Character F


MATTY PETERS - 30’s, car mechanic in New Glasgow, Sweet, kind man, Black.

Also plays

Pitman- One of 3 Black men gossiping in the kitchen about Viola.

Charlie Maxwell- 20 yrs old, Black, Viola’s beautician classmate, gay.

Anchor (Black) Voice

Andrew Reid- Young black student in Viola’s class at Hammond Plains PS.

Character E


ALTHEA PEARLEEN OLIVER – 30’s, wife of Reverend Oliver, Black

Also plays

Candace- Desmond School of Beauty Culture student.

Mary Freeman- Smarty pants little black student in Viola’s class.

Character G and Character D


ROSE REID - 30’s, Viola’s friend, outspoken, fearless, Black.

Happily married with a large brood at home and fiercely protective of her friends. (Viola’s bestie)

Also plays

Laura- Desmond School of Beauty Culture student, who stands up to Viola about natural hair.

Cindi- Young black student in Viola’s class at Hammond Plains PS.

Character C and Character H


MISS SANDIE PINK – 30’s, customer of the salon, White

Today she’d be considered ballsy and progressive. In 1946 she’s just a loud dame. Open minded, sees the future of things to come. (Jewish, civil rights minded)

Also plays

Ma Macneil- (white, Theatre owner’s mother)

Meredith Pinet- Naïve 20 yr old, White, Quebecois accent needed, Viola’s beautician classmate in Montreal.

Usher- Usher at the theatre that tries to get Viola to move seats.

Gwen- Viola Desmond’s mother at top of play.


LUCILLE RENAUD – late 30’s, patron at the Roseland theatre, Metis

Quiet woman who is guarded and expressive. Radiates confidence but quietly fearful.

Also plays

Sisi Francis- 14, witness and victim to the Halifax explosion, Mi’kmaq.


The roles of JACK/Others and REVEREND/Others have already been cast.




Neptune Theatre is located on sacred land that has been the site of human activity since time immemorial.
We are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq, and we acknowledge them as the past, present, and future caretakers of this land.