Theatre School Policies, Terms, and Conditions
Withdrawal notice must be given to the Theatre School Manager via email at This notice must be submitted no later than TWO WEEKS before the class is scheduled to begin during regular business hours Monday to Friday.
- All classes and camps include a $40 administrative fee. This fee is non-refundable. PD Day Camps include a non-refundable administrative fee of $15.
- If a withdrawal notice is submitted more than TWO work weeks prior to the class’s start date, the registrant will be entitled to a refund of the registration cost, minus the administrative fee.
- If a withdrawal notice is submitted less than TWO work weeks prior to the class’s start date, the registrant will be entitled to a 50% refund of the registration cost, minus the administrative fee.
- If a program is scheduled to begin on a Monday, there are no refunds for withdrawal notices submitted as of the Friday before at 4pm.
- There are no refunds as of the first day of class.
- Refund requests for special circumstances will be discussed on a case by case basis.
Neptune Theatre reserves the right to cancel classes with insufficient registration numbers. In this event, all fees for said cancelled class will be refunded. Registrants may also transfer any payment made for a cancelled class to a class that will continue to run provided there is space remaining, put the registration fee onto a gift certificate, or make a partial or full donation of the fee to the Matt Amyotte Fund, which provides scholarships for students.
Neptune Theatre reserves the right to change and substitute instructors as necessary.
Payment or payment plan terms are required upon registration. Registration and payment can be done online by clicking the title of the class/camp you are interested in, or by calling the box office at 902-429-7070.
Payment plans are available upon request on a case-by-case basis. All fees are due by the first day of class.
HST is charged on all classes and camps for students age 14 years and older.
Camps & Classes:
To request a camp or class bursary, please fill out the Neptune Theatre School Bursary Application Form. This application form is intended for students of Neptune Theatre School who are seeking financial support to participate in any of our recreational programs. These programs include Summer Camps, March Break Camps, Session 1 Weekend Classes, Session 2 Weekend Classes, and PD Day Camps.
Pre-Professional Programs:
To request a scholarship for a Pre-Professional Program, please fill out the Matt Amyotte/Luke's Legacy Scholarship Application Form. This application form is intended for students of Neptune Theatre School who are seeking financial support to participate in any of our Pre-Professional Programs. These programs include Neptune Academy, Prep, YPCo Boot Camp, and YPCo productions.
To request a payment plan, please phone the Box Office at 902 429 7070.
In the case of extreme weather, Neptune Theatre will make every effort to decide on cancellations by 7:00 PM the evening before class/camp. If a cancellation occurs, we will notify you via email.
For same-day cancellations, we reserve the right to delay the start of classes/camps, with a final decision made by 7:30 AM on the day of the class/camp.
Neptune Theatre is not responsible for lost or stolen items. We keep a lost & found box in the admin offices. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of May and August. Please leave valuables at home.
Students who are feeling ill should not come to class. Please call or text our Camp Phone at 902-222-8863 to report an absence. If a student starts to feel ill during the day, our staff will call the emergency contact person for that student to arrange an early pick-up.
Neptune Theatre does not provide snacks or lunches. Students attending full-day programs should pack two snacks (morning and afternoon), a refillable water bottle, and a lunch. Students do not have access to microwaves or refrigerators. Neptune Theatre is nut and shellfish free due to allergies of staff and students. If a student comes to class with nuts or shellfish in their snack/lunch, the item will be returned to their bag, and a replacement snack will be provided. Parents may also be called to ask for a replacement lunch.
Many of our programs have students doing a number of physical activities (dance, physical comedy, etc). If we notice a student is eating all of their packed food before the end of the day and is still hungry, we may ask parents to pack extras for the next class.
Regular attendance is recommended and is essential to the progress of the student and the class. Any absences of a student should be reported to via text or phone at 902-222-8863. If a student is missing from class and we have not been notified, a supervisor may make a phone call home.
Please ensure Neptune Theatre is aware of any health concerns, chronic illnesses, allergies, or behavioural concerns by no later than the first day of classes/camp.
Neptune Theatre Foundation cannot be held responsible for accidents or injuries incurred in classes, or on its premises. Students/parents/guardians are financially responsible for any physical damage they/their children do the building.
Neptune Theatre is committed to fostering a student-first safe space, where our students feel comfortable learning and growing as performers. Neptune Theatre has included pronoun identifiers as part of the registration process. This helps staff to respect the identity of our students, and encourage others in the class to do so as well.
Neptune Theatre School offers classes for the following age groups:
- 18 months - 3 years
- 4 - 6 years
- 7 - 9 years
- 10 - 12 years
- 12 - 18 years
- 13 - 18 years
- 18+ (adult classes)
Students who have a birthday within two months of a class's start date may sign up for either age group (i.e. if a student is 6, but will turn 7 within two months of a class for ages 7-9 starting, they may sign up for either the 4-6yr or 7-9yr class).
We provide gender neutral washrooms in our facilities.
Students who are in our programs for ages 4 and up are expected to be able to go to the washroom by themselves. Staff will not be permitted to enter a bathroom stall with a student to assist with bathroom issues. In cases of emergency, a camp director or supervisor will intervene, and a phone call home will be issued.
Neptune Theatre is the sole owner of the information collected here and on our website. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others.
Neptune Theatre will from time to time, take photographs and film footage of students during class time for use in Neptune Theatre’s marketing and publicity material. If you do not wish for your child to be photographed/filmed please let the Theatre School Manager know by emailing .
If you have any questions, please email